Papers relating to Australian theatre, 1938-1976 [manuscript] 1938-1976.


Papers relating to Australian theatre, 1938-1976 [manuscript] 1938-1976.

Folder of material related to PACT (Producers, Authors, Composers, Talents), Sydney, including press clippings, photocopied articles, lists of plays, memo to Directors of PACT, and note on PACT's objectives entitled 'Waiting for the Bulldozer.' Also photocopied press clippings relating to radio plays by Richard Lane, 1938-1944; a list of plays available through Gregg Branson, literary agent and author's representative in Adelaide, [1966?]; and a list by Albert Moran of Australian TV drama series, 1956-76.

1 folder; 30 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 8028030

University of Queensland, UQ Library

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Tilley, Christine M. (person)

Moran, Albert. (person)

PACT (Sydney, N.S.W.) (corporateBody)

Lane, Richard, 1918- (person)